Tuesday 24 January 2012

Tattoo Designs

" A passionate evening"

"Jewel Star"

Human Forms/Life drawing using different media

One of my favourites above

Pencil and pen "Love Tree" doodle

quick cartoony sketches Devils !!!

doodle for pisces starsign ideas

Doodles/illustrations done at home when i was bored Inspired by henna designs and indian song lyrics

My Book cover Desigsn for a poem book

Mixed media Artworks based on Hinduism, life and creation

Painting based on a Fibonacci and the Spiral project

Fibonacci was found by Leonardo Fibonacci of Pisa who discovered the sequence of numbers; 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34.....etc. The next number of the sequence is the sum of the two previous numbers. And it goes on forever and in this sequence these numbers are found in everyday life all around us and in nature. For example the numbers of petals on a flower, measurments for buildings and architecture, proportions in the human body and musical instruments and so many more.The spiral is also found in everything around us in nature which is found in flowers, in the milky way, its used in paintings and other images and objects in life which helps to get proportions and compositions correct.

Below i produced this painting based on some of the above using shells and the milky way at the top reepresenting the spiral and flowers with the number of petals found in the sequence. I am very pleased with this painting because to me it turned out to look a bit surreal like a dream and also looks like underwater life, and I absolutley adore underwater life and also surrealism in paintings i think its amazing to see dreams and unusual things being brought out someones mind.